Speeding up the implementation of practical solutions for an immediate ecological redirection.

Speeding up the implementation of practical

solutions for an


ecological redirection.

Clean Energy

Low-Carbon Energy

Preservation of Water Supply

Ocean Conservation

Mediterranean Sea Conservation

Food & Agriculture

Food & Agriculture

Waste Management & Circular Economy

Waste Management & Circular Economy

Transport Systems

Transport Systems

& Construction

Raw Resources
& Construction

Major Risks Prevention

Major Risks Prevention

Leverage of Spatial Data

Mitigation of Digital Footprint

The Climate Solutions Accelerator is aimed at local authorities - agglomerations of municipalities, wishing to implement solutions led by innovative startups and SMEs to meet the challenges of climate change.

It operates as a community by working together with large companies, government agencies, competitiveness clusters with expertise and with other supporting structures that are both generalists and specialized in GreenTech.

Solutions to the climate crisis exist already. We accelerate their launch in five steps:


accelerate their launch

in five steps:

National call for multi-thematic expressions of interest
Announcement of the winners of the call for expressions of interest
Pitch preparation and support for startups and young companies
Pitching and 1-1 meetings with public and private B2B customers


of expressions of needs from local authorities looking for solutions.



of solutions initiated by startups and SMEs that address the environmental challenges we are facing.


Pitches & Speed-Meetings

through networking days and ultra-targeted meetings, organized with startups and SMEs for local authorities and large companies, in the presence of innovation facilitators.


Tailored Solution-Building

from offers from startups, SMEs and NGOs to local authorities and large companies in order to meet the needs expressed.


General Public Promotion

with smart integration of launched solutions into inspiring communications aimed at the the general public through the organization of conferences and meetings with inhabitants, through social media platforms, and through local press media.

Thanks to a rich local & national ecosystem that facilitates scaling up:

that facilitates

scaling up:


Local & Regional Governments

We facilitate the implementation of innovative solutions for local authorities to meet the challenges they face already with climate change.



As members of the Climate Solutions Accelerator, large companies contribute to the detection of innovations that they can integrte into their own offers, particularly for local authorities. The French Agency for Ecological Transition is also involved.


Innovation Facilitators

Competitiveness clusters and acceleration hubs get involved in identifying climate and environmental protection solutions.


Solution-Oriented Startups & SMEs

Thanks to their ready-to-use technologies, startups and SMEs with climate solutions aim to go to scale as quickly as possible.

Right now, local gouvernement authorities are working with pioneering solutions so they move up to the next level:


the next level:

Watch introduction videos by clicking on thumbnails

Green City Organisation

Solution for capturing macro-waste at the outlet of stormwater networks before it reaches the sea.
Ocean Protection

BlueLeaf Conservation

Repurposing of carbon captured by coastal ecosystems to fight against global warming and biodiversity loss.
Ocean Protection


Hydrogen-powered catamarans from 12 to 24 m for the transport of passengers and goods.
Transport Systems


System of mini-filière of selective sorting, collection and valorization of food bio-waste on reduced catchment areas.
Waste Management & Circular Economy


Voluntary collection points connected for the collection of food waste for recycling in methanization and composting.
Waste Management & Circular Economy


Solution for using excavated soil to make green building materials directly on site.
Raw Resources & Construction

Microbia Environnement

Bio-sensors to capture the genetic fingerprint of cyanobacteria and toxic micro-algae in water for preventive actions.
Major Risks Prevention


Solution for the protection of marine biodiversity through education, preservation and restoration of posidonia.
Ocean Protection

Local Authorities, Companies, Government Agencies, and competitiveness clusters,

let's build the future together ⇲

Local Authorities, Companies, Government Agencies, and competitiveness clusters, let's build the future together ⇲

According to experts on the field, individual behavioral changes for the average French person would result in a maximum 20% decrease in personal carbon footprint. This would represent a quarter of the global effort needed to achieve the goal of limiting the average global temperature increase to below 2°C above pre-industrial levels.

In total, commitment of individuals and households to decarbonize their lifestyles, which is certainly unavoidable, is nonetheless insufficient to achieve the reduction targets and aim for carbon neutrality in France by 2050.

In order to win the battle and the race against time in which we are engaged at the planetary level, it is necessary to transcend individual action and reach a collective level of action, while involving the citizens too.

While the major orientations for the climate (plans, strategies, etc.) are defined at the national level, it is at at the regional and intermunicipal levels that these policies are implemented in order to ensure the coherence of the measures and their implementation in all sectors.

Local authorities are directly responsible for a certain number of local public services that are related to the environment and allow them to contribute to its protection. To meet the challenges of climate change, they are looking for innovative solutions, particularly from start-ups and SMEs, which in turn need to develop rapidly and "scale up".

These solutions, whether they are high-tech, mid-tech or low-tech, are also in the field of social innovation and sobriety of uses while allowing the development of new local jobs and the emergence of local activities.

Initially inspired by TED's OUNTDOWN . program to detect and promote inspiring ideas ("We can change Climate Change"), the Climate Solutions Accelerator works operationally with local authorities and start-ups to enhance the implementation of innovative solutions.